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职务:数学系副主任   支部书记     




一、   发表的科学研究论文:

[1] Jinghuan Li, Shuhua Zhang, Yu Li. Modelling and computation of optimal multiple investment timing in multi-stage capacity expansion infrastructure projects. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2022, 18(1): 297-314.

[2] Shuhua Zhang, Jinghuan Li, Yu Li, and Xiaoling Zhang. A Revenue Risk Allocation Mechanism in Public Private Partnership Projects: A Swing Option Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2021, 147(1): 04020153.

[3] Jinghuan Li, Yu Li, Shuhua Zhang. Optimal expansion timing decisions in multi-stage PPP projects involving dedicated asset and government subsidies. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2020, 16 (5): 2065-2086.

[4] 李景焕. 多阶段基础设施项目价值分析:基于牛市看涨期权价差理论.绿色科技,2020(2):214-216.

[5] 张书华,李景焕,李瑜. PPP项目多阶段投资时机决策的最优多停时模型及数值求解. 数值计算与计算机应用. 2018, 39 (3): 205-216.

[6] Jinghuan Li, Li Xu, Zhen Huang. A modified cubic equation of state model and parameter optimization in modeling supercritical fluid solubility. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 2016, 15: 486-497.

[7] Shuhua Chang, Jinghuan Li*.  Fitted finite volume method for pricing CO 2 futures option based on the underlying with non-log-normal distribution. International Journal of Computer Mathematics.2015, 92(12): 2455–2474 .

[8]Jinghuan Li, Zhen Huang, Jialin Wei, Li Xu. A new optimization method for parameter determination in modeling solid solubility in supercritical CO2.  Fluid  Phase  Equilibria, 2013, 344 :117– 124.

[9]Zhen Huang, Jinghuan Li, Huishan Li, Lijun Teng, S.Kawi,  M.W.Lai. Effects of polar modifiers on supercritical extraction efficiency fororganic template removal from mesoporous MCM-41 materials. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids . 2013,82(10):96–105.

[10]Zhen Huang, Jinghuan Li, Huishan Li, Hui Miao, S.Kawi, A.H. Goh .Effect of the polar modifiers on supercritical extraction efficiency for template removal from hexagonal mesoporous silica materials: Solubility parameter and polarity considerations.2013,118(30):120-126.

[11]王继平,李景焕.成本不对称使卡特尔更难维持吗.南开经济研究. 2013(1):144-153.

[12]Zhen Huang, Li Xu, Jinghuan Li. Amine extraction from hexagonal mesoporous silica materials by means of methanol-enhanced supercritical CO2: Experimental and modeling. Chemical Engineering Journal ,2011,166 (2) ,461–467.

[13] Zhen Huang, Li Xu, Jinghuan Li, S.Kawi, A.H. Goh.Organic template removal from hexagonal mesoporous silica by means of methanol-enhanced CO2 extraction: Effect of temperature, pressure and flow rate. Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 77 (1) ,112–119. (SCI)

[14]Li Jinghuan, Wang Yanhua. Comprehensive comparison of genetic algorithm and pattern search method. 2010 International Conference on Services Science, Management and Engineering. 2010,31-34.

[15] Zhen Huang, Li Xu, Jinghuan Li , Guimei Guo, Yong Wang.Adsorption equilibrium of CO2 and CH4 on zeolite beta at pressures up to 2000 kPa using a static volumetric method, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2010, 55(6): 2123–2127.

[16] 罗蕴玲,李景焕,于义良.食品冷链整体绩效评价中特性定量指标的量化分析,商场现代化.2009, 7:136-137.

[17]罗蕴玲,李景焕.食品冷链整体绩效柔性评价指标的量化分析 .商场现代化. 2009,6:87.

[18]罗蕴玲,李景焕, 白玲.食品冷链整体绩效评价指标体系的研究.商场现代化. 2008,17:156-157.

[19]李景焕.基于Bowyer-Watson法的Delaunay三角网格的一些改进.天津商学院学报.2007, 27(3):33-37.




[3]李景焕,赵旭,张凤宽,罗蕴玲.统计学实践基地运行模式的探索,实验室科学, 2014, 17(4):160-162+166.


[1]李乃华, 赵芬霞, 赵俊英,李景焕.线性代数及其应用导学(第一版)[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,2012.







[6]天津市哲学社会科学研究规划项目, 京津冀大气污染协同防治的最优路径研究,第3完成人,2018-2019,已结项.


[8] 全国统计科学研究计划项目,基于客观贝叶斯分析的小区域估计模型误差研究,第3完成人,2012-2014,已结项.


[1] 天津商业大学”金课”建设项目,数学建模“金课”建设,主持,2019-2021,已结项.

[2] 天津商业大学 教学改革项目,大数据与人工智能背景下金融风险管理实训课程建设与实践,主持,2020,已结项.

[3] 天津市普通高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革研究计划项目,统计学专业(风险管理与精算)内涵建设的研究与实践(项目编号:C03-0712),  参与,2012.3-2014.3,已结题.


[1]天津市教学成果二等奖, 2018年.




[5]全国大学生数学建模竞赛天津市二等奖, 2008年.

[6]全国高校数学微课比赛华北赛区一等奖, 2015年.

[7]天津市高校青年教师基本功竞赛二等奖, 2006年.

[8]天津市高校青年教师基本功竞赛三等奖, 2016年.



[1]全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师, 2021年.

[2]天津市新长征突击手称号, 2011年.

[3] 天津市红桥区“十佳杰出青年”,2016 年.


[5]大学生“创新创业训练”优秀指导教师,2020 年.

[6] 天津商业大学“优秀教师”,2016年、2020年.

[7] 天津商业大学“优秀共产党员”,2011年.


