办 公 地 址:综合楼906
办 公 电 话:26667643
电 子 邮 箱:gongjingyu@tjcu.edu.cn
研 究 方 向:理论物理
(1)Jingyu Gong, Zhipeng Liu, and Jiulin Du, Dust-acoustic waves and stability in the permeating dusty plasma. II. Power-law distributions, Physics of Plasmas 19, 083706 (2012).
(2)Jingyu Gong and Jiulin Du, Secondary electron emissions and dust charging currents in the nonequilibrium dusty plasma with power-law distributions, Physics of Plasmas 19, 063703 (2012).
(3)Jingyu Gong, Zhipeng Liu, and Jiulin Du, Dust-acoustic waves and stability in the permeating dusty plasma. I. Maxwellian distribution, Physics of Plasmas 19, 043704 (2012).
(4)Jingyu Gong and Jiulin Du, Dust charging processes in the nonequilibrium dusty plasma with nonextensive power-law distribution, Physics of Plasmas 19, 023704 (2012).