姓名:杜永强 出生年月:1984.10 学历/学位:管理学博士
政治面貌:中共党员 职称:讲师 职务:统计系秘书
[1] Yongqiang Du, Wenying Feng, Ying Wang and Guang Zhang#. Positive solutions for a nonlinear algebraic system with nonnegative coefficient matrix[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2017,64: 150-155.
[2] Yongqiang Du, Guang Zhang# and Wenying Feng. Existence of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear algebraic systems[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2016, Article ID 6120169, 7 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6120169.
[3] 杜永强,迟国泰. 基于指标甄别的绿色产业评价指标体系构建科研管理[J].科研管理, 2015,(09):119~127
[4] Yongqiang Du ,Guotai Chi,The Establishment of Green Industry Evaluation Index System Based on Dynamic Clustering—an Empirical Study from Dalian in China,Journal of Software,2013,8(12):3146~3151