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姓名:李辰    出生年月:1988 学历/学位:研究生/理学博士 

政治面貌:中共党员            职称:讲师





(1) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Preservation of WSAI under default transforms and its application in allocating assets with dependent realizable returns, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2019, 86: 84-91

(2) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Hazard rate and reversed hazard rate orders on extremes of heterogeneous and dependent random variables, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2019, 146, 104-111

(3) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Preservation of increasing convex/concave order under the formation of parallel/series system of dependent components, Metrika, 2018, 81(4), 445-464

(4) Rui Fang, Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Ordering results on extremes of scaled random variables with dependence and proportional hazards, Statistics, 2018, 52(2): 458-478

(5) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Preservation of weak stochastic arrangement increasing under fixed time left-censoring, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2017, 129, 42-49

(6) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Ordering optimal deductible allocations for stochastic arrangement increasing risks, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2017, 73: 31-40

(7) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Some new results on allocation of coverage limits and deductibles to mutually independent risks, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2017, 46(8): 3934-3948

(8) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Aging and ordering properties of multivariate lifetimes with Archimedean dependence structures, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2017, 46(2): 874-891

(9) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Sufficient conditions for ordering aggregate heterogeneous random claim amounts, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2016, 70: 406-413

(10) Xiaohu Li, Chen Li, On allocations to portfolios of assets with statistically dependent potential risk returns, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2016, 68: 178-186

(11) Chen Li, Rui Fang, Xiaohu Li, Stochastic comparisons of order statistics from scaled and interdependent random variables, Metrika, 2016, 79: 553-578

(12) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Relative ageing of series and parallel systems with statistically independent and heterogeneous component lifetimes, IEEE Transactions on Reliaiblity, 2016, 65(2): 1014-1021

(13) Rui Fang, Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Stochastic comparisons on sample extremes of dependent and heterogeneous observations, Statistics, 2016, 50(4): 930-955

(14) Chen Li, Xiaohu Li, Likelihood ratio order of sample minimum from heterogeneous Weibull random variables, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2015, 97: 46-53


1. 天津市“131”创新型人才第三层次,2018.01-2019.122万元

2. 天津市教委一般项目,2017KJ176,寿命分布类关于相依系统的封闭性和反向封闭性研究,2017.10-2020.096万元,在研,主持

3. 天津商业大学新进教师科研启动项目,R160106,相依性理论在保险精算与风险管理中的应用,2016.10-2019.125万元,在研,主持


[1] 2018年天津商业大学优秀教师

[2] 2018年天津商业大学教学质量优秀奖

